Välkommen till Göteborgs FN-förening!

Hållbarhet och miljögruppen

Välkommen till Hållbarhet- och miljögruppen inom Göteborgs FN-förening!

In the focus group sustainability and environment we invite you to (re)connect with nature; adopting a diverse approach to sustainability. Our events align with the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030, embracing the third SDG “Good health and well being” or the climate-conscious 13th goal “Climate action” and more.
Besides interesting lectures around sustainability and the environment, we will have outside and inside activities. These activities are meant to energise, inspire reflection, and foster reconnection in an enjoyable and entertaining way. Join us for ideas and activities aimed at making a positive impact on our world!


E-post: hallbarhetmiljofngbg@gmail.com

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